Friday, October 21, 2011


Baby Sensory Logo


The Baby Sensory Development Experience.

Baby Sensory provides hundreds of sensory development activities that are great fun for parents and babies to share in the vital first year. Our classes include educational learning for moms/dads, ALL baby sensory development, baby motor skills, baby social and emotional development, baby speech development, baby sign language, baby & parent bonding techniques, visual tracking, eye/body co-ordination skills, muscle strengthening and baby massage to help with babies growth spurts, whilst having fun with fiber optic light shows, bubbles, bells, musical fun, baby signing, puppet shows, amazing light balls and so much more.

The Baby Sensory program consists of over 40 themed lesson plans and 20 special theme lesson plans. Every week you will share new sensory experiences with your baby. You can see pictures of a sample of the activities on our "What We Do" page, or better still come along to one of our sessions and experience the classes for yourself.

What makes Baby Sensory different?

                            Unlike many other baby programmes, Baby Sensory offers:

  • A wide range (holistic approach) of activities and experiences, which encourage early social, emotional and physical development, communication and language skills and sensory development from birth. 
  •  A world full of exciting sensory experiences that enables babies to reach their full potential.  
  • Activities designed especially specifically for babies from birth to 13 months-of-age.
  • Activities and experiences that vary weekly. There is always something new and exciting to look forward to.  No two sessions are ever the same.
  • A complete sensory experience, from baby signing, dance, games, singing, music, massage, bonding experiences and social play to magical light shows, puppets and water play.
  • Activities based on current research, child development theories, milestones for the relevant age-group and feedback from parents, therapists and teachers.
  • Activities rooted in keen observation of babies playing and an extensive knowledge of how they learn and develop.
  • Activities supported by learning and developmental information, so that parents know the exact stage at which their baby is functioning. This helps parents understand what to expect and how best to facilitate their baby’s learning and development.   
  • Classes that introduce a range of strategies that can enhance the special parent-baby relationship.
  • Developmental resources, materials and music, which are unique to the programme.
  • A balance of new and traditional activities that provide familiarity and novelty to each session.
  • Activities implemented by demonstration, using a variety of resources and materials.
  • Practical, hands-on experiences, so that parents understand the purpose of what they are doing and develop confidence in using their skills.
  • An opportunity for parents to discuss their needs, interests and previous experiences and to evaluate what they have learned.     
  • Activities that differentiate between younger and older babies.
  • Activities suitable for babies with sensory or physical impairments.
  • An exploratory play area where parents can try out the equipment and developmental materials, interact with others and gain ideas for home use. Parents can also spend quality time with their babies in this special place.
  • A range of simple, novel and practical ideas that are fun to do with babies. Most activities involve the use of inexpensive and obtainable household items that can be adapted or simplified to suit the baby’s age or stage of development.
  • A warm, welcoming, caring, inviting and responsive learning climate.
  • A social setting, which offers an invaluable extension of postnatal care.

                                       Camea Picnic

                                       What is Baby Sensory?

 Baby Sensory is a unique learning and developmental programme that aims to provide parents with valuable parenting skills, which in turn enables them to give their babies the best possible start in life in life. Baby Sensory classes provide a wealth of sensory experiences, which are also ideal for babies with particular needs or impairments.

 The Baby Sensory programme draws on current research and the work of theorists and childcare experts. All activities are accompanied by developmental theory and useful information about how babies learn and develop at different ages and stages. This helps parents understand what to expect from their babies, how best to facilitate their play and how to lead their learning forwards.

 Activities include the use of soft moving lights and colourful objects that encourage focusing and visual tracking skills and touch, taste and smell experiences which build the brain pathways fundamental to learning, memory and overall development. Exercise and movement opportunities are also provided regularly since these are crucial to learning and other mental skills. Parents also find out how to make tummy time a happy and productive experience.

 Other activities include verbal interactions through stories, rhymes, singing, signing and action games, which build brain connections for future language and social skills. Parents and babies also enjoy a wealth of musical experiences from dance, patting and clapping games to bouncing and rocking activities, which build trust and confidence. Babies are encouraged to make their own music, which provides a great outlet for frustration, tension and stress and contributes unequivocally to total brain development. These activities play a vital role in enabling parents to interact with their babies in a meaningful and purposeful way.

 Parents are shown techniques that will calm and settle their baby and help switch on the sleep reflex. Practical suggestions may include tips on how to establish a regular bedtime routine or what to do if baby wakes up in the night. Knowing how to deal with sleep problems enables parents to get a better night’s sleep for themselves, which in turn enables them to provide loving, patient and consistent care for their baby.

 A vital part of the routine includes happy social play, which sets the stage for the acquisition of future skills such as cooperation, turn taking and sharing. The provision of an exploratory play area gives babies the opportunity for self-directed play, which builds self-esteem, confidence, creativity, imagination, problem solving skills and knowledge of the world. Parents can also try out the equipment and materials and build relationships with other adults. This can have a huge impact on their health and well being.

 Best of all, parents are encouraged to give their babies plenty of loving attention and physical comfort and to spend quality time with them in a relaxed, warm and friendly environment. All these things build emotional connections that lead to happy, healthy relationships between the parent and the baby and make Baby Sensory a very worthwhile activity!

Written by Dr. Lin Day (Founder of Baby Sensory)
London, England

Please watch one of our many videos on Baby Sensory Development!

This one is about the importance of Social and Emtional Development;

                      Baby Sensory Western USA Exhibiting at The West Coast Franchise Expo, visit; This is a perfect opportunity for all potential investors and franchise prospects, the chance to meet us in person to speak about our company and business options within the western USA.

Baby Sensory Development, operate programs specifically designed for babies/parents in the Following states;
California, Oregon, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Montana, Wyoming and we will be operational in the state of Washington in November 2011.                                                                                   
                                                                                                                Timmy the duck photo